Christmas trading hours and end of year update!

baby clean & safe would like to take a few moments to wish all of our wonderful customers, business partners and industry colleagues a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As the title suggests we are still open throughout the festive season (by apointment) with the exception of:
Christmas Day
Boxing Day and
New Year's Day.
If you're heading away for the holidays, remember to buckle up (adults and kids too which means a properly fitted child restraint), give yourself plenty of time and rest stops, don't drink and drive and of course keep an eye on the speed.
Double demerits in effect in NSW from 22 Dec 2023-1 Jan 2024. This means that you could potentially be subject to a $352.00 fine and lose six demerit points for each incorrectly fitted child restraint.
So please buckle up, stay safe and enjoy your Christmas and New Year break.
From the team at Your 1st choice for fitting, cleaning, hire and repair of child restraints in Sydney's new South West (Chris & Bec).